My People's Market
This year we will have special butters that support the fall and holiday seasons. Look at our Holiday page for a lit of scented body care that celebrates the season without effecting the integrity of your favorite skincare. Stop by our booth for our new holiday scent!
My People's Market is a collaborative event organized by Travel Portland and Prosper Portland and is a marketplace is aimed to advance opportunities for business owners by connecting them to the travel industry and other professionals who can help expand and scale their businesses. Our first market was in 2017 and now in 2023, here we are on our 15th market and it’s bigger and better than ever with 150+ vendors joining us at the Oregon Convention Center!

National Mens Health Week
It is National Mens Health Week! This is the time where Men get a more attention when it comes to their health and wellness. Join us Saturday, June, 1 as we kick of Skincare Education Month. We will highlight essential oils and skincare that can assist in your health and wellness. Click the link to reserve your spot today: https://www.zaseelah.com/shop/p/oil-making-class

National Skincare Education Event
Join us as we kick off National Skincare Awareness Month!!! We will discuss some of the best ways to keep you skin healthy and clear. Ask your questions about our ingredients and how they help your skin. Bring your questions and energy, it will be fun. There will be light snacks, music and the best part, you will make your own 4 oz bottle of body oil. There will be drawing for variety of items! Come join the fun and Illuminate your soul!

May Skincare Awareness Month
Our skin in the largest living organ on our body. It protects our vital organs and nerves, muscles, well you get it. So we need to take care of it, keep it health and protected. That is where sunscreen comes in. It hydrates and protects the skin from the sun. The ultraviolet rays are very harmful to our skin even on a cloudy day. Who knew? While it is sunny and beautiful out, we like to reduce our clothing because, we need to show some skin or its just HOT!!! However, the sun also cause skin cancer. May is also Melanoma and Skin Cancer awareness month. Please take the time to look to read and follow the tips below to reduce and protect yourself and your loved ones from harm. Yes, even black and brown people need sunscreen. I use and SPF 50 w/hyaluronic acid and/or aloe vera
Let’s take a look at ways to protect your skin from skin cancer and what it looks like!
Prepare for outdoor activities and summer skin exposure.
Carry sun protection everywhere you go - for you and the family.
Re-apply sun-block throughout the day, even on cloudy days.
When possible, wear long-sleeves and spend time in the shade.
Know your risk.
Have those moles checked and get a baseline on file with your dermatologists.
For more information visit:
Be safe and have fun in the sun!
National No Make-Up Day
This is the day that you can be daring, free and give you skin a break. It’s National No-Make-Up Day! Embrace our beautiful flaws, our inherited marks of identity and embrace how beautiful your skin is while letting your light shine within! You are beautiful as God created you and today you can flaunt it! Save time and leave the make-up behind. Your skin and your mind will tha

Illuminate Your Skins Heritage Event
The Iluminate Your Skins Heritage event include refreshments, creating you own luxury product, skincare tips, tips on creating your own in home spa and fun!

My People's Market -11
My People’s Market centers communities of color in a celebration of business, arts, and culture by prioritizing the well-being and comfort of people of color; providing space and resources for new and existing businesses to grow and reach new markets; and honoring local artists and performers for the vibrancy and joy they bring to space and place.
This year My Peoples Market will be completely indoors!
Saturday, November 19 – 11:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday, November 20 – 11:00am - 5:00pm
World Stage Theater Open House
After 15 years of serving the community, World Stage Theater has a space to welcome you into. Come share in their joy and gratitude at the World Stage Theatre Arts Annex, Open House, Saturday, October 15th from 1-5 pm. Join us for a day of community, and celebration, with good food including Synai Sweets, live entertainment from Mal London and ZaySims, Z-Aseelah Natural Skincare, mini-classes taught by Adrienne Livingston, Gabriela Portuguez, Precious Faith, World Stage Theatre artists..., and learn about all of the wonderful happenings in our new space and how you can be a part. We hope to see you there!
Black Community Science Night
Join OMSI in Celebrating Black Culture and Communities
The Black Community Science Night welcomes visitors of all ages for a night of museum exploring, science demos, lectures, and cultural entertainment.
For more information, please click on the link Join OMSI in Celebrating Black Culture and Communities
Source: https://tickets.omsi.edu/events/8b6c9c63-59f8-256b-776b-fcfd51b7a6b5

MESO Marketplace Fundraiser
MESO is launching our first “Breaking the Glass” Appreciation & Fundraising Event on
Wednesday October 12 ,2022 at the Sentinel Hotel
This event is to thank our sponsors for supporting MESO and our mission.
This creative and inspiring evening will include:
• Meeting our incredible MESO staff
• Hearing from donors, funders
• Meeting our MESO clients

Event One
Mother’s Day is here quickly approaching and we are ready. LaTina’s Style of Elegance is having her Grand Opening on Saturday, May 1st. Come and start the celebration early with us.